Legal notice
This website is owned and operated by the Salou Municipal Tourist Board.
This website was created by the Salou Town Council for informational purposes. By accessing this page, you implicitly state that you are aware of and accept these terms and conditions:
1. Website owner: The domain name is registered by the Salou Tourist Board, with Spanish Tax ID (NIF) P-9318501-E, whose registered address is Passeig Jaume I, 4, 43840, Salou (Tarragona). Contact phone number (0034) 977 350 102 and email
2. Intellectual property on the site: All intellectual property rights for the contents of this website and its graphic design are the exclusively proprietary to the Salou Tourist Board, and this entity holds the exclusive right to exercise these rights. Thus, its total and partial reproduction, distribution, publication and transformation are prohibited without express authorisation from the Salou Tourist Board. Likewise, all distinctive signs, trademarks, brands and signs of any type contained on this website are protected by law.
3. Website contents and links: The Salou Tourist Board will not be held liable if improper use is made of the contents of its website, where this is the exclusive responsibility of the person who accesses and uses it. Neither will it take on any responsibility for the information contained on third party websites that can be accessed via links on the website The presence of these links has an informative purpose, and in no case represents an invitation to obtain the products and services offered on the destination websites. If the Salou Tourist Board has real knowledge that the activity or information contained after clicking on these links is unlawful, represents a crime or could damage the goods or rights of third parties liable for compensation, it will act with the diligence required to suppress or inactivate the link in question as quickly as possible.
4. Website updating and modification: The Salou Tourist Board reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained on its website, and its layout and presentation at any time, without giving advance notice or assuming any responsibility for doing so.
5. Indications on technical issues: The Salou Tourist Board does not assume any responsibility that could stem from technical problems or errors in computer equipment not attributable to the Board that could take place when connecting to the Internet, or that could be caused by third parties by unlawful meddling not in its control. The Salou Tourist Board does not guarantee the lack of viruses or other elements that could cause damages to the computer systems, electronic documents or files of users of this website or third party websites and, thus, it does not accept any responsibility for damages that could occur for these reasons. It is also exempt from any liability for possible damages or losses that users could suffer as the result of errors, defects or omissions in the information provided by third party sources.
6. Personal data handling: Without prejudice to the terms set out in each of the forms on this website, when users provide their personal data, they are expressly authorising the Salou Tourist Board to process their personal data via computer for the purposes set out in the forms. The Salou Tourist Board shall add the data provided by users to a file it owns and duly reported to the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The Salou Tourist Board does not transfer or notify third parties on the data collected without first receiving users’ consent. Users may exercise their rights to access, rectify, cancel or oppose by writing to the Citizen Services Office of the Town Council (Passeig del 30 d' Octubre, 4), by filling out the form provided especially for this purpose.
7. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction: In general, relations with users that stem from providing the services contained on this website are subject to Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
Website users are aware of everything set out above and voluntarily accept it.